For this part of your portfolio, you are required to create a POWER POINT presentation addressing the following:
A) An ANALYSIS of current DATA on common INJURIES for athletes in a sport of your choice
What are the most common types of reported injuries? E.g. Fracture
What are the most common injury sites? E.g. Head
NOTE: You are encouraged to use the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) to assist you with this.
(10 MARKS)
B) An account of the ways in which the occurrence of these injuries can be MONITORED and ANALYSED so that we are able to establish injury PATTERNS for athletes in your chosen sport
(10 MARKS)
C) Identification of the potential RISK FACTORS that may lead to the development of these injury patterns for athletes in your chosen sport (10 MARKS)
D) Identification of any PREVENTATIVE MEASURES that you can find to eradicate the onset of such injury patterns (10 MARKS)
E) Identification of any MEDICAL or ALLIED HEALTH PROFESSIONALS you could use to assist you with these preventative measures (10 MARKS)
NOTE: This presentation will take place in class time and will be presented to your colleagues so that they too are able to share your findings.
For this part of your portfolio, you are required to answer the following questions IN FULL SENTENCES:
What is meant by a medical screening? (Relating to an athlete) (2 MARKS)
Why is it important for an athlete to carry out a medical and musculoskeletal screening procedure? (3 MARKS)
Provide 3 relevant examples of SUPPORT PERSONNEL who could be consulted to identify the optimum screening PROCESS and TIMING and explain HOW they would assist (6 MARKS)
Explain the ROLE of a PHYSIOTHERAPIST and how they could be consulted to reduce the risk of injury to an athlete through the process of musculoskeletal screening (5 MARKS)
Identify and explain 3 STRATEGIES that you could use (in conjunction with a health professional) to maintain the optimal health of an athlete (6 MARKS)
For this part of your portfolio, you are required to write a report (1000 words max) in FULL SENTENCES focusing on how we can PREVENT injuries to athletes. To begin, choose a sport and think about a common injury within that sport. You are then to cover the following aspects:
Identify your sport of choice and specific injury within that sport (2 MARKS)
Identify the common CAUSES of this particular injury (i.e. how this injury arises)(2 MARKS)
Identify how this particular injury would IMPACT the whole body of the athlete (making specific reference to the demands of their sport) (10 MARKS)
Identify and explain PREVENTATIVE MEASURES and STRATEGIES that you could take/implement in order to reduce the likelihood of this injury occurring in an athlete (10 MARKS)
Explain how you could alter or adjust your chosen injury prevention methods for your chosen sport/injury for different situations, such as indoors/outdoors/with limited or no equipment etc (according to the policies and procedures of the venue you are in) (2 MARKS)
It is said that in order to operate optimally, you need to operate within the ‘best practice guidelines’ of your field. Explain what is meant by ‘best practice guidelines’ and where would you find them for your sport/injury of choice? (apply them to your athlete in your report)(3 MARKS)
State ways in which you would conduct MONITORING of an athlete with the type of injury you identified (pre, during and post exercise) within your chosen sport (3 MARKS)
How would you ensure that the athletes in your chosen sport CONTINUED to utilise these injury prevention strategies throughout their careers? (3 MARKS)
Outline the potential CONSEQUENCES of not doing so (3 MARKS)
E) Would you (as his coach) be required to consult additional support personnel in relation to Gareth’s case? If so, which support personnel would be the most suitable? (5 MARKS)
F) Identify what you understand by the term ‘Scope of Practice’ and to what extent are you considered WITHIN your scope of practice as a coach in Gareth’s case? (5 MARKS)
G) Explain how you could MONITOR Gareth’s progress over time in response to your implementation of the illness prevention strategies (how would you know if they were successful or not?) (3 MARKS)
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