Coursework on Management and Leadership – Best Homework Helper

What is the relationship among corporate-level, business-level, and functional-level strategies and how do they create value for an organization?

Strategies reflect plans that cover the welfare of the firm on a wide basis. It incorporates an emphasis on allocation of resources to restore lasting goals of a company. The strategic planning may happen on a firm’s wide scale that is related to the corporate category. In addition, the approaches also apply to various units in a business. This depends on a variety of responsibilities that are also termed as the functional category.

The planning also incorporates management of general responsibility in a firm. This is inclusive of overall plans that are known to the company. This implies that the respective units in a business and its operations will require being modified. This is vital to depict the desired objectives. It is based on the fact that they vary from one business to another especially when they functions apply to this case. In planning, the outcome of strategy differs in relation to the organization.  This happens when it is initiated via allocation of resources. As a result, this facilitates goals awareness and creates a platform for benchmarking.

What is organizational learning and how can managers promote it?

Organizational learning is a procedure that enables the company to have skills in its operations. As a result, this increases the level of expertise which influences its operations in a positive manner. This is inclusive of objectives that enhance changes and facilitate efficiency in an organization (Certo & Certo, 2014). Learning firms incorporate level of systems that puts emphasis on higher participation. This also revolves around the accountability of employees and promotions. As a result, it enhances learning and fosters communication. In essence, managers can enhance promotion via reward system to facilitate learning.



Certo, S. C., & Certo, S. T. (2014). Modern management: Concepts and skills. Pearson education international.

Marsick V. J., & Watkins K. E. (2003). Demonstrating the value of an organization’s learning culture: The dimensions of the learning organization questionnaire. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 5, 132–151.



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