Genetics and juvenile offending

The Senior Project paper is a research paper. This is not a personal essay, so do not express or state your personal opinions or personal outlook (Example- The words “you”, “my”, and the word “I” should not appear in your paper). Every fact, every expert opinion, every professional observation, all data you state or quote in your paper must be documented by reference. The paper should contain plentiful, documented references (APA style only), and you must include author, title, source of publication, year of publication, and page number(s). Any internet and/or worldwide web sources must state the URL where I can type it in and on that specific webpage, see the material or statements you are quoting and using (in other words, you may not cite just to the homepage of the source on the internet). Your paper must have page numbers. Your references or sources must be attached and in alphabetical order by the last name of the first author. Do not use as a reference any material that does not have a named author (only exceptions-publications by the FBI, TBI, Department of Justice or other sources that are approved in advance by the professor).Every page in your paper must be numbered. Please double space the entire paper.

(6) Any material, words, phrases, ideas, summaries that you use or rely upon in your paper that come from the internet, the worldwide web, the library, or any published source is permissible, but only if you document that source as a reference.
Your references or sources must be attached at the end of your paper and in alphabetical order by the last name of the first author. Do not use as a reference any material that does not have a named author (only exceptions-publications by the FBI, TBI, Department of Justice or other sources that are approved in advance by the professor). Your paper should contain plentiful, documented references in APA style and you must include author, title, source of publication, year of publication, and page number(s). Keep in mind that every citation must have a reference and vice versa.

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