History Essay

You must select two out of four questions. Each answer must be 300-400 words. You should use your online textbooks and Biography of America videos to complete this exam. You cannot cut and paste from the internet or any other source.

Questions-Select Only 2

Discuss the causes of the Civil War. Cite as many facts as possible to back up your analysis.
If the enduring vision of America is embodied in the Declaration of Independence’s statements about equality and universal rights to justice, liberty, and self-fulfillment, how much progress toward those ideals had blacks and women made by 1877? Back up your evaluation with as many specific facts as possible about the status of blacks and women at the end of Reconstruction.
In what respects was the Constitution of the United States as written and ratified in 1787 undemocratic? How was the American political system democratized between 1789 and 1877? What undemocratic features remained to be addressed? Give as many specific examples in your answer as possible.
Explain the causes of the Mexican War and its impact on sectionalism.

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