Employment Update (20 points): Submit via Canvas assignment by date indicated in syllabus.
A two page, single spaced paper is acceptable for this assignment. 12 point font. 1″ margins.
Learning Objective Update Format: Updates must be submitted via Canvas. No emailed or hard copies will be accepted.
Your update must include the following SECTIONS (see grading rubric for specifics on levels of achievement):
1. Description of work – detailed. Where do you fall in the chain of command. Is the company for profit or not-for profit. Who or what are you supervising? Where is the business located? How many people work there? What segment of hospitality is the business in (lodging, events, tourism, clubs, HR, F&B). What is your job title? Who do you report to? What are the hours you’re working?
2. Biggest challenge(s) – why is it a challenge? How are you compensating, coping, or working through the challenges? What did you anticipate to be your biggest challenge?
3. Most important or surprising thing(s) learned – why is it surprising? Were you prepared?
4. List each learning objective and your progress toward that learning objective.
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