The quantitative article critique written paper.

NUR 306 Evidenced-Based Nursing Research

Group Projects: Written and Oral Presentation of Scholarly Articles Group Critique


The quantitative article critique written paper.

Each individual/group is expected to complete one quantitative and one qualitative research critique. The group must work collaboratively on the assignment.


  1. Selection of an article for critique:

Students may select any research article for the “out of class” critique with the following limitations:

  1. The study critiqued should be about clinical nursing research and found in nursing refereed journals.
  2. The research article selected should be published with the last five years.
  3. Articles should be from nursing.


  1. Critique guidelines:
  2. Complete a critique of a qualitative  and a quantitative research article from nursing.
  3. Write a critique (up to 10 pages, [does not include the cover page or reference page]) following APA guidelines.
  4. Process:

Submit one quantitative and one qualitative copy of your article to your professor via email for approval – must be submitted by

Thus, for this assignment you will have in this order:

  1. One cover page
  2. A reaction paper summary up to 10 pages (to be written collaboratively).
  3. One copy of the article


  1. Grading will be as follows:
  1. Title (5 points)
  1. Does the title clearly and concisely describe the study?
  2. Is the population/sample included in the title?


  1. Abstract (5 points)
  1. Is an abstract included in the article?
  2. Does the abstract include a statement of the problem, purpose, and/or hypothesis?
  3. Does the abstract briefly summarize the design, methodology, results, and conclusions?
  4. Is the abstract adequate? Why or why not?
  1. Confidence in the Findings (5 points)
    1. What are the qualifications and reputation of the investigator/s?
    2. What evidence is there in this report that they are qualified to conduct this study?
    3. Is this article published in a referred journal?


  1. Theoretical Framework/Conceptual Framework (10 points)
    1. Is a theoretical or conceptual framework described? If not, does the absence detract from the significance of the research?
    2. Does the research problem flow naturally from the conceptual framework?


  1. Protection of Human Rights (5 points)
    1. Is there evidence of an independent ethics review by a board (IRB) or a committee?
    2. Has the study been designed to minimize risk and maximize benefits to participants?
    3. Is there an indication that participants gave voluntary, informed consent?
    4. Is there evidence in the study that individuals can be identified?


  1. The Problem (10 points)
    1. Was the problem statement introduced promptly?
    2. Is the problem significant to nursing and is the significance described?
    3. Has the purpose for conducting the research been explained?
    4. What are the research variables and how are they measured/operationalized?
    5. Will an answer to the problem provide insight into clinical applicability of the problem?


  1. Research Questions/Hypotheses (10 points)
    1. Are research questions or hypotheses formally stated? If no, should they be included?
    2. Do the research questions and hypotheses naturally flow from the research problem and theoretical framework?
    3. Does each research question or hypothesis contain at least two variables?
    4. Are the research questions or hypotheses worded clearly and objectively? Is a prediction evident?
    5. If there is not a research question or hypothesis, write one for the study and explain why your hypothesis or research question fits the study.


  1. Review of the Literature (10 points):
    1. Is the review comprehensive, logical and relevant to the problem?
    2. Is the relationship to the research purpose evident?
    3. Does it include recent research?
    4. Can a case be made for conducting this study based on the review?


  1. Research Design (5 points):
    1. What design has been used for the study?
    2. Is the design appropriate for the research question and the purpose of the research?
    3. Has enough information been given to permit replication?


  1. Sampling (10 points):
    1. Is the target population carefully described?
    2. Are sample selection procedures clearly defined?
    3. Does the sampling method fit the research design?
    4. Are potential sample biases described?
    5. Is the sample sufficiently large?
    6. Did the author/authors use power analysis to document that the study size was adequate or inadequate?
    7. How was sample size justified?
    8. To whom can study results be generalized?


  1. Data Collection (10 points):
    1. Describe the instruments used for data collection.
    2. Has rationale been given for the selection of instruments?
    3. Are instruments congruent with the research question?
    4. Are instruments suitable for use with the study sample?
    5. Have procedures for testing the reliability and validity of instruments been described? Are results sufficient to indicate their use?


  1. Quantitative Analysis (5 points):
    1. Is the link between the analysis and the findings logical and clear?
    2. Is the statistical result presented clearly both in the text as well as in numerical presentation?
    3. Are graphic displays clear and simple?


  1. Conclusions and Recommendations (10 points):
    1. What are the assumptions and limitations of the study? Are they listed or do you have to infer what they are?
    2. Are results of data analysis clearly explained in reference to research questions, hypothesis and theoretical framework?
    3. What recommendations for nursing practice and future research studies have been made? Are these recommendations supported by the data?

NUR 306 Evidenced-Based Nursing Research

Grading Rubric for Quantitative Research Critique



Student’s Name (s):____________________________________________  Date:_________



Grading Criteria Possible Number of Points Earned Number of Points

Professor comment:



Professor comment:


Confidence in the findings

Professor comment:


Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

Professor comment:


Protection of Human Rights

Professor comment:


The Problem

Professor comment:


Research Questions/Hypotheses

Professor comment:


Review of the Literature

Professor comment:


Research Design

Professor comment:



Professor comment:


Data Collection

Professor comment:


Quantitative Analysis

Professor comment:


Conclusions and Recommendations

Professor comment:













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