Cryptosystem In Construction Industry

The paper should include:

Cover page

  • Paper      title, name, course name/number, instructor’s name, and the date of      submission

Body of the paper

  • Includes      an introduction and conclusion
    • 6       full pages
    • 7-8 references
    • Double-spaced
    • Well       organized and well written
  • Use      the outline  please find the attachment .
  •    The major heading in the research paper should be consistent with your      outline.  Now you should add supporting details (including examples      of your claim).


Include figures and/or tables, as needed



Must mention these all headings in the document and write appropriate content

I. Introduction

A. Current problem: A description of the issue, solution, etc. the use of “Cryptosystems in Modern industry” you selected: Construction Industry

B. Area of focus: cryptosystem and industry

C. Thesis Statement:

D. Key Terms:

II. Background

A. Historical Overview of Modern Cryptosystems:

B. Historical Industry Overview:

C. Current Link between Modern Cryptosystems and Industry Type:

D. Limitations:


VII. Conclusion

A. Restatement of Thesis:

B. Next Steps:
3. Reference Page (in APA format)

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