Please expand your knowledge about Project Approach with (1) videos and (2) sample projects
Hathaway Brown School’s Project-Based Learning Approach in Early Childhood Education (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Hathaway Brown School’s Project-Based Learning Approach in Early Childhood Education
REC and the Project Approach to Learning (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
REC and the Project Approach to Learning
From Worms to Wall Street: Projects Prompt Active, Authentic Learning (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
From Worms to Wall Street: Projects Prompt Active, Authentic Learning
Select and read at least TWO samples. Click on the link and watch the pictures and read the details to fully understand how projects are different from other learning experiences. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Discussion Board: Considering following questions below, summarize the insights that you gained about Project Approach from the different resources. Clearly referring to the sources based on which you discuss the features and characteristics of the Project Approach. You are expected to refer numerous resources, e.g. videos, samples, textbook. Your post must be at least 200 words. No response post for a peer is required. ….
What features of Project Approach did you find appropriate for young children? How do these features promote learning? Discuss at least 4-5 features. Considering doing the two samples how the sample project represent these features?
How can you implement the Project Approach in schools? What would be challenging? How can you overcome the challenges? Consider the current educational landscape in VPK, K- grades 3 in Florida, how can you use projects/Project Approach in these classrooms?
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