criticism of American education

Step #1: First, read the articles (see below) and use this information & understanding for the completion of STEP 2.

***A Sense of Place: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

****Spreading happiness: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Step #2: Complete A and B:

A common criticism of American education is that young children do not know very much about geography and history. Construct your detailed & meaningful response to the Questions below. Make sure the two selected activities clearly reflect AGE appropriate development and instruction. Please consider the difference between a 4 year old and 7 year old’s understanding of history and geography, e.g. concept of time, concept of location, background knowledge. The younger the child, the more you want to focus on the immediate environment with which the child is familiar. Therefore, in a 4 year old classroom, it is INAPPROPRIATE to teach about 50 states in the USA, but it is APPPRORIATE to focus on e.g. how to get to school from home. Also, regarding history, young children cannot conceptualize e.g. US Constitution and Bill of Right, but they might be interested in a timeline regarding their own life. So choose your topic carefully. Also, check the activities at the end of ch. 14; they can give you some insights regarding appropriate topics and approaches.

Develop your answer in the given format.

A ACTIVITY for 4 year olds

Design an activity that you would create to help a group of 4-year-olds become interested in history or geography. First, consider 4 year olds’ cognitive development. Make sure the activity is age appropriate. Consider the article you just read (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Activity for 4 year olds

Rationale for activity: ***Here you give a rationale why this activity is age appropriate for 4 year olds. Also, discuss how this activity meets the requirements for DAP activities. Describe what you would expect children to learn from it.

Description of the Activity: Address the following

1) objectives, SWBAT…….

2) materials needed

3) procedures,

4) assessment.

B: ACTIVITY FOR Seven year olds

Design an activity that you would create to help a group of 7-year-olds become interested in history or geography. First, consider 7 year olds’ cognitive development. Make sure the activity is age appropriate.

Activity for 7 year olds

Rationale for activity: ***Here you give a rationale why this activity is age appropriate for 7 year olds. Also, discuss how this activity meets the requirements for DAP activities. Describe what you would expect children to learn from it.

Description of the Activity: Address the following

1) objectives: SWBAT…..

2) materials needed

3) procedures,

4) Assessment.

SUBMIT: Two activities developed in the required format. Do not turn into essay form.

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