A critical activity in the project planning phase is to do a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and Gantt chart for the project. Develop a final WBS and Gantt chart for the your project. The deliverables from your WBS should be broken down into tasks with durations, predecessors, and resources then be entered into MS Project to develop your Gantt chart.
After identifying the tasks to complete each deliverable, using Microsoft Project you should:
Assign durations to the tasks
Sequence the tasks
Assign a type of relationship to each task (e.g. finish to start)
Assign resources to the tasks (human resources and technology resources)
Create a project end date consistent with the course duration
Show major project deliverables as milestones
Identify the critical path in your project
This deliverable should contain both a Word document and a Microsoft Project file with the following information:
Word document
Work Breakdown Structure in either list form or tabular form (see page 128 for examples).
Project file
Tasks and subtasks
Resources (i.e., your team members) assigned
Appropriate project dates
Critical path
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