Epic of Gilgamesh

Standard MLA style format
Minimum 1200 words, plus works cited page.
Works Cited page must be included for a passing grade
Besides the literary work(s), at least 2 academic sources researched by student

The term paper involves research on literary one of the literary works that was presented, discussed and/or analyzed throughout the semester. Preferably, students will write their term paper on the literary work presented to the class, but they may choose not to with instructor approval.

The introductory paragraph should briefly introduce the author, title and brief summary of the literary work and end with a well-formulated thesis that reflects the body paragraph organization. You may use a quote, question, anecdote, or background information to attract the reader’s attention, but do not start arguing details in the introductory paragraph. The thesis should argue some aspect of the greater meaning and impact of the literary movement on literature and society in general.

Body paragraphs (4) should have an explicit topic sentence that presents part of the argument from the thesis. You also must integrate evidence in the form of quote, paraphrase, or summary from the work(s) and from at least one of your outside sources to assist in analyzing and supporting your topic sentence. Last, it should include an analytical discussion explaining how the evidence supports your thesis. Note that the suggested organization reflects the content and organization of the presentation guidelines.

BP1 – Author (brief–very brief–biography) if any. History of the work, when was it written, published, type of publication, who was targeted audience. Type of literature, genre, etc. Original language? Medium? Be sure to cite sources.

BP2 -Who or what influenced the author/work? Describe historical, social, political, philosophical, biographical influences. What is the main theme? Subthemes? Be sure to cite sources.

BP3 – Identify the protagonist and antagonist. Describe the conflict and resolution. Summarize and paraphrase at least two literary criticism perspectives that analyze the work. Be sure to cite sources.

BP4 – Who or what has the piece of literature influenced? Is the work and/or its themes, characters, any passages still influential today? Explain how?

The conclusion should NOT simply repeat the thesis, but it should also NOT continue to argue and present more evidence. Instead, it should bring the reader full circle on the importance of your analysis of the work(s) and the points you have argued in the body paragraphs.

DO NOT use the following sources: Wikipedia, Sparknotes, Shmoop, GradeSaver, CliffNotes, eNotes. Instead, use the PBSC Library Databases to research scholarly sources and literary criticisms.

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