How to Write a Five-Paragraph Essay in One Hour

How to write a 5-paragraph essay

How to write a 5-paragraph essay when you have only one hour? Actually, it’s almost impossible, but you shouldn’t lose hope. In this article, we are going to provide you with a guide on how to complete an essay very quickly. You can read our guide and work on your paper step-by-step at the same time. We recommend that you do this to cope with your paper as soon as possible.

Step 1: Switch off everything
There’s no need to say much about this step. Switch off gadgets that can distract you from your work. Shut the doors and windows so that noises won’t disturb you. Also, you need to switch off the music if it is playing, even if you always do your homework to music. Now, with all of these preparations complete, we can work with you more effectively.

Step 2: Find information
We are not going to lie to you. Therefore, we need to confess that the quality of your essay can suffer if you have only one hour to complete it. Students often ask how to write a five-paragraph essay in an hour, but they rarely understand that an essay often needs to be written in a couple of hours or even days. However, it is also important to understand that it’s better to get bad scores than no scores. To make quick research you need to find two or three reliable sources. It’s better to find short articles on the topic which were published on websites of top universities, such as Harvard University, Stanford University, or University of Cambridge.

Step 3: Conduct brief research
Look through the articles which you have found and make notes. If you can print these articles, do so. Then take a pencil and underline ideas which you find a good fit for your paper. If you find similar thoughts in these articles, make a note about this fact. The occurrence of specific idea means that it is very popular and you should express your opinion about it when discussing the topic. If you don’t have the ability to print the articles, you can highlight those ideas with a specific color an e-document.

Step 4: Create an outline
How to write a five-paragraph essay without an outline? It’s very difficult. The outline will help you to write faster. Look at the pieces of text which you underlined and try to organize them so that you get an outline. Don’t steal the structure from one of the articles you have chosen. If you do this, you will be accused of plagiarism. Take some points from the first article, others from the second, and still others from the third one. What should be exactly in your outline?

1. Introduction
a) General information on the topic
b) Thesis statement
2. Claim 1, which proves your thesis statement
a) evidence 1 to support Claim 1
b) evidence 2 to support Claim 1
3. Claim 2, which proves your thesis statement
a) evidence 1 to support Claim 2
b) evidence 2 to support Claim 2
4. Claim 3, which proves your thesis statement
a) evidence 1 to support Claim 3
b) evidence 2 to support Claim 3
5. Conclusion
a) Problems you faced when exploring the topic
b) Restatement of thesis
c) Predictions about development of the issue

Each point from the list is one paragraph. Obviously, the introduction and conclusion should be shorter than each paragraph of the body. Out of all steps on how to write a five-paragraph essay, this one should not be skipped in any case.

Step 5: Write the first draft
Finally, you can start writing. Follow your outline. Don’t get stuck at one point for too long. You should mention all the points which you planned. If you develop each of them too thoroughly, you won’t finish your paper in time. For this reason, you should not stop even if you think that you could find better words. Perhaps you could, but you don’t have time for this kind of detail. So, complete the first draft as quickly as you can without thinking about the details.

Each of your claims should be supported with a couple of facts and evidence. If you are going to use information from another source, make sure that you paraphrase well. When you are paraphrasing a sentence, take into consideration that simply changing a couple of words doesn’t count as proper paraphrasing.

Step 6: Work on the details
If you succeeded in completing the previous step, you should have a few minutes to work on details. Reread your paper and add or delete sentences or phrases. Don’t think too long on a specific sentence. You don’t have time to work on each sentence properly. Unfortunately, you also don’t have enough time to check inaccuracies. This activity needs deeper research. However, you have the ability to check your essay for inconsistencies. Read the text aloud. Hopefully, this will help you to notice inconsistencies.

Step 7: Revise your writing
This step is optional in this particular situation. As a rule, we normally insist that students revise their papers properly when giving tips on how to write a 5-paragraph essay. However, this time is a special case. We promised you that you will complete an essay in an hour. That is the price to pay — you won’t have time for polishing your paper. The only thing you can do is reread your essay, correct some typos and pray that you don’t have any serious mistakes.

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