What are the corporate legal issues facing Rio Tinto Limited in Australia? (10 marks)

Rio Tinto Limited case study (30 marks)

Please read the following news link:-




Rio Tinto Limited has been in the headlines recently.


This is a recent case study that is currently subject to investigation. It is important never to prejudge an issue that is ongoing. Without doing that, discuss the following:-


What are the corporate legal issues facing Rio Tinto Limited in Australia? (10 marks)


What avenues may be open to law enforcement authorities and directors confronted by these issues? (10 marks)


Briefly outline any earlier major decided cases where similar issues have arisen, might those cases be significant? (10 marks)




In your answers, demonstrate a clear understanding of both the facts, allegations and the law.


You are expected to conduct your own wide reading and to familiarize yourself with the facts.


You will need to undertake legal research and analysis in order to provide support for all of your answers above and this includes references to the relevant law where applicable.





[Total 30 Marks]


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