Useful Websites for College Students

Olla Peeps! Being a College Student is not easy as you have to deal with studies, part-time jobs, etc. Yes, College life is hard! When you move into a college for the first time, it’s like a whole new world. There are so many new responsibilities which come straight on your head. It’s not a cup of tea. But. Don’t worry guys, as there are many websites for college students which will help you walk through this tough path.

I have sorted out few of the best websites for college students. I have also included few useful apps which do the same work for you. After all, apps are also helpful, and they remain permanent with you. 🙂  I will be dividing the websites into following categories:

  • Educational Websites for College Students
  • Study Websites for College Students
  • Fun Websites for college students
  • Research Websites for College Students

So, without wasting any more time, let’s jump on to those websites.


Educational Websites for College Students


Grammarly is a useful tool for English Writing. It improves your writing and grammar quality. You can directly upload and download your file. The most amazing part is that it also comes with a plagiarism checker which is on the site. This tool checks your work and compares it with about 250 grammar rules. It is an extension for your browser, so you can easily check the accuracy and quality of your work.

This site does two work at the same time. First is that it can quickly check for any spelling errors in your work. Secondly, at the same time, it allows you to expand your vocabulary. It can look up to complicated words in no time.


Being a college student, it becomes obvious that you need lots of different course books to study. Well, eFollet is the right site for you. At this site, you can easily rent your textbooks for college without any hustle. You save a lot of time and money. Just enter your school and course, and it will automatically tell you that which book you need.


This is one of my favourite sites. This site provides you with some of the best free online courses. Another interesting fact is that these are from some of the best universities. You can easily study these courses at your own pace.

Dragon Dictation

Typing an essay can be a time-consuming activity. What if I say, there is an app that can do this work for you? Yes, you read it right. Dragon Dictation easily recognizes your words and transcribes them with great speed and accuracy. It is also an app which you can easily use anytime as per your convenience, and it will save your time too.

Google Drive

Well, many of you might already know about it. Google drive is a great place where you can store all your spreadsheets, documents and presentations. The ease here is that the file which you save at home can be accessed from your college computer or even your own mobile. You don’t have to worry about losing your files as this system is a cloud-based system.


Study Websites for College Students


Sometimes, you come across a piece of information which is hard to understand. All that information just jumps off your head. In this case, you should check out this site. This software helps to clarify and simplify complex information.


Quizlet provides ready to use study guides and flashcards created by teachers and many other students. These can be a great resource option when you are looking to understand the key points from a specific class. The good thing is that you can create your own flashcards and can access the notes anytime and from anywhere.


This website gives you the freedom to learn different chapters interestingly, i.e., by listening to audios. This site provides you an audio version of the books which you can listen easily anywhere anytime.

Hemingway App

Hemingway App is an amazing proofreading tool. It highlights the errors which occur in your writing. It will pick Long and extra-long sentences, Too many adverbs, Complex words or phrases and too much usage of passive voice. The errors are highlighted, and you can address them easily.

Valore Books

You can easily save some cash on this website. This easy to use website allow students to purchase books at affordable prices.

Study Blue

This site also provides various helpful tools from which you can learn a lot. Tools like various flashcards, study guides, notes, etc.


This is again one of the helpful websites for college students. This website makes learning easier and visually appealing. You get an effective study base.


Fun Websites for College Students


It’s an amazing website which helps you to find fun events near you. Events like; any festival, concert or a game. You can attend these with your friends and enjoy. There is another feature, and that is to buy and sell thousands of tickets whenever and wherever you want.


You will love this website, if you are a DIY person and if you want to save some money. This website offers tons and tons of DIY projects in the form of simple tutorials. It includes fun dorm décor ideas and much more.

Bored of those old TV series or movies? Want something new? is a website for all those who want to watch something new and informative. This website provides random videos on different and interesting topics. You will get good knowledge from these videos.


Being a college student there are a lot of things to do, and we get busy. In this busy schedule, you might not be able to study news on a regular basis. Well, this website will help you. You need to subscribe to The Skimm, and then you will get daily emails which give summary of the current news affairs and top stories.


Research Websites for College Students

Rate My Professor

If you want to check on which classes to take this semester, then check out Rate My Professor Website. This website provides you with student reviews on professors. The criteria is based on class difficulty, grades received and textbook usage. This site helps you choose the classes taken by various professors and helps you plan to structure your classes.

TED Talks

You get to watch extremely motivational videos which also provide valuable information. This website is a great resource if you want to come up with an original project idea.

Genius Scan

It is like a scanner in your pocket. It’s an app which helps you to digitize documents on your phone itself quickly. You can also download various extensions which enable you to sign and then fax research projects or documents.


If you want to come up with an original idea for your project, then Bibme is the best option for you. It provides incredibly motivational speeches and valuable information.


With this website, you can save articles and then come back to them later. It is easy to save your articles and then point on to the finer details later when you open the document again.


Flipboard helps you create your magazine. You simply have to select seven of your class topics, and then this app will provide you with the relevant news. It is a great way to surround yourself with real-world information which can be used in your college work.


So, this was all about helpful websites for college students. I hope you liked this information. If you did, then do let me know through your comments below. For any query or for any Online Assignment Help, you can email us on the id given on our website. Thank you for reading. 🙂

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