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If you can reduce the tension your grade should respond. Take tests in a way to help your grades. Build on old material rather than become overwhelmed with complex problems. • BELIEVE in yourself. Big Fat Notebooks) Buy Now Why Am I Not Able to Learn Mathematics? This is a question many good students ask. It is not uncommon for a student to have excellent grades, yet find difficulty with mathematics. Why is this so? The problem may not be in lack of intelligence, nor an inability to learn mathematics. The problem, most likely, is that the wrong study method is being used. Mathematics cannot be read with great concentration and produce the same results as reading with understanding would in disciplines such as history or literature. Employing valid study skills that work fine in those disciplines will usually result in disaster. Mathematics is learned by exercising the mental task of solving problems. Reading mathematics is only valuable to understand the definitions and theories, the tools with which you can work.

And rote learning, the technique that gets so many people by the lower grades, fails when the problems are all different. Unfortunately, rote learning, mimicking problems that are given as examples in the book, may just be enough to get by in a high school where thought is not fully being challenged. But, college mathematics requires taking the parts and coming to a logical conclusion called the solution, based on reasoning. The best advice is to practice! Practice the problems for which answers are given, for it is counter-productive to work problems wrong and not know there is a problem. Working problems without checking them can, in fact, reinforce the wrong technique. With the practice should come the enlightenment. With the enlightenment should come the end to the disillusionment. The key is to believe in yourself, not the study method. Change the study method and become reassured in your ability.

There are two things that can help with the process. Take a philosophy class in logic. The skills will carry over to mathematics. For a technique that is more fun, play chess. Knowing the consequences of a move is a very similar skill to the results in applying a mathematical operation. Look what can happen if different pieces are moved, and develop the mental process needed for mathematics. For some reason publishing companies do not advertise the support material for textbooks. But an abundance of support material is out there. Even if your textbook does not have support material, a similar book does. To find these go to the Amazon link that follows this article and click on any book shown. Then type the name of your textbook into the key word search. Do not use the author’s name, since these items are often produced by other authors working on contract for the publishing house. Do you have a greater insight into why mathematics is difficult? This article uses Amazon affiliate links and ads that use cookies for proper tracking. Please express yourself. We appreciate comments. Sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account. 0 of 8192 characters usedPost CommentNo HTML is allowed in comments, but URLs will be hyperlinked. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites. I’m not that good in all areas of Math but I like it because it is challenging and easy to understand unlike other subjects. I have never been good at math and as I age it seems to become more difficult to get my figures straight. Thank god I have the written word to fall back on or I would really be in trouble. 2nd grade through high school. Z, X is work.

• View the CBS video CBS Morning News “Plagiarism” story. Then, review 6 Ways to Avoid Plagiarism and Generally Be a Cool Person. • Describe your reaction to the video. What does this mean to you and your work? • What did you know about plagiarism before watching this video and reading the review? • Describe instances of plagiarism of which you are aware. • Read the scenario assigned to you and answer the question located under the scenario description. • Respond to at least two of your classsmates’ discussion posts in a way that furthers the discussion. Visit the Ashford Writing Center to learn about resources that will help you improve your writing skills. Also, Grammarly is a great revision tool to use before you submit any discussion or writing assignment. Prepare: Take a few minutes to think about the material that we’ve covered in this course so far. Reflect: Reflect on what you found interesting, surprising, or confusing in this past week.

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