Solve the following second order linear homogeneous ODE using Matlab:
y” +4 y‘ – 3y = 0,
y(0) = 1, y‘(0) = 0
The characteristic polynomial has the following roots:
The general solution of the ODE is then:
We can now solve for the unknown coefficients c1, c2:
The solution is found by substituting the correct values for c1 and c2:
Here is a better view of the solution:
Now we can plot the solution:
If you need to solve ODE MATLAB, check the example of the solution to second order linear homogeneous ODE with the help of MATLAB which was described by one of our experts from Assignment.Essayshark. In this example you can see how you can solve mathematical functions with the help of the application, and the power of MATLAB doesn’t stop there. If you have problems with your MATHLAB homework, ask for help on our site!
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