Environmental risk analysis involves estimating losses due to noise, contamination, and pollution in ecosystem (water, land, air, and atmosphere) and in space (space debris)
It’s a group assignment . My part is for the literature review so all I need is a literature review that is related to this topic and this report is for risk management so risk analysis tools should be used
Risk Management in Engineering (49006)
Assessment Task 3 – Risk Paper
1 | P a g e
- Weight: 30%
- Length: 7 or 8 pages including references in IEEE format provided on UTSOnline
- Type: Group work
- Submission: Online via UTSOnline through Turnitin submission link, multiple attempts
permitted until the due date, afterward the first submission is the last one
- Due: Refer to the timetable
- Demonstrate the significance of risk management to engineering practice and management
- Select and apply appropriate risk assessment techniques
- Apply a variety of risk treatment techniques
- Identify and apply relevant problem-solving methodologies
- Implement and test solutions
- Demonstrate research skills
- Communicate effectively in ways appropriate to the discipline, audience and purpose
- Work as an effective member or leader of diverse teams within a multi-level, multi-disciplinary
and multi-cultural setting
- Select one of the below topics and write a research paper:
▪ Domino effect risk analysis: Domino effects is referred to a chain of accidents in which a
primary accident starting in a unit spreads to adjacent units, causing secondary accidents the
total consequence of which could be much more severe than the primary event.
▪ Natechs risk assessment: Natechs are referred to technological accidents such as release of
hazardous materials, fires or explosions in industrial plants which are triggered by natural
disasters like earthquakes, floods, and hurricanes. Compared to normal technological accidents,
which are a matter of random failures or human error, natechs usually give rise to more
catastrophic consequences since the likelihood of simultaneous damage to hazardous units and
domino effects is much higher.
▪ Risk-based land use planning: Land use planning (LUP) as an effective and crucial safety
measure has widely been employed by safety experts and decision makers to mitigate off-site
risks posed by major accidents. Accordingly, the concept of LUP in industrial plants has
traditionally been considered from two perspectives: (i) land developments around existing
industrial plants considering potential off-site risks posed by major accidents and (ii)
development of existing industrial plants considering nearby land developments and the level
of additional off-site risks the land developments would be exposed to.
Risk Management in Engineering (49006)
Assessment Task 3 – Risk Paper
2 | P a g e
▪ Cost-effective allocation of safety measures in industrial plants.
▪ Human error risk assessment in engineering systems.
▪ Security risk analysis involves estimating access and harm caused due to war, terrorism, riot,
crime (vandalism, theft, etc.), and misappropriation of information (national security
information, intellectual property, etc.).
▪ Environmental risk analysis involves estimating losses due to noise, contamination, and
pollution in ecosystem (water, land, air, and atmosphere) and in space (space debris).
- The paper follows below structure:
▪ Abstract
▪ Introduction (research questions and objectives)
▪ Theoretical background (literature review)
▪ Research methodology
▪ Implementation and results (case study)
▪ Discussion
▪ Conclusion and future works
- The paper must include a variety of material that supports the discussion and all content must be
fully referenced in IEEE style.
- Marks will be awarded for papers that demonstrate a high level of professionalism and well thoughtout
technical content.
- Marks will also be awarded for papers that show logical and robust methodological argument that
supports the discussion.
- Marks will be deducted for papers that are unfocused and do not effectively address the topic or
provide added value discussion.
- The IEEE template is available on UTSOnline.
Marking Criteria
Section Weight Criteria Score
Abstract 1 Capture the essence of findings 1
Introduction 9 Contextualization
Importance/Relevance of the theme
Research question(s)
Research objective(s)
Paper structure
Theoretical background 20 Review relevant literature 20
Research methodology 20 Appropriate combination of methods 20
Risk Management in Engineering (49006)
Assessment Task 3 – Risk Paper
3 | P a g e
Implementation and
40 Correct implementation of the research
Analyse the findings from theory and practice 10
Discuss the findings 10
Value added discussion goes beyond lecture
Structure and presentation 10 Present a well-designed structure 2
Include 10+ relevant high-quality journal papers 4
Reference appropriately using IEEE style 2
Conform to the IEEE template (7 or 8 pages) 2
Sum 100 100
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