Law Internet use in schools by students and teachers
Prepare a position paper of no less than 5 and no more than 10 pages, EXCLUDING title, summary, and works cited pages. A. Overview of topic B. Factors that support the topic A. Your focus should be on statutes, cases, etc. that frame the issue. C. Factors that oppose the topic A. Your focus should be on statutes, cases, etc. that frame the issue. C. Summary Page A. Summary of topic being discussed and position taken B. No more than one well-developed page and no less that two well-developed paragraphs. D.Mechanics A. Times New Roman or similar font B. Follow current APA style guidelines C. Margins are 1.25” on each side. D.Double spaced E. Font size is not to exceed 12 point. F. Minimum of five sources for which the book can count as one. Wikis are not valid sources. E. Title page A. Name B. Course C. Topic D.School E. Instructor
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