Anthropology Essay Interview on Race

Record informants: age, gender, education level – NOT their name, cell, email or any
information that would let you trace results back to them.
3. Do the interview and activity quickly – you are looking for first reactions – not “politically correct”.
4. Analyze results – be prepared to share in class or online in Blackboard.
Analysis Questions:
1. Group informants according to age and compare results.
2. Next, group informants according to gender and compare results.
3. Finally, group informants according to educational level and compare results – are results the
same as when you grouped them according to age or gender?
4. Look at all the answers to your questions. Do you note any similarities? Differences? What are
they, and what patterns do you see?

Very interestingly that I could gather with these interviews, when looking at the given houses. Each individual said a different race lived in the second house. An African American multi racial said a caucasian lived there, and a hispanic said an African American. Asked a 4th caucasian individual (did not record), and they individual said a hispanic lives in the second housing. All did not think their own race could live in such situation.

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