Concept Analysis Paper
• Objectives 2 & 3- Purpose: to use a systematic approach to analyze a concept of interest.
• Students are encouraged to use this assignment to lay the groundwork for the scholarly project. See schedule for due date.
• Use a modified integrated literature review. Provide rationale for all sections.
• The guide below is based on Walker & Avant. Students may choose Rodgers’ Evolutionary Approach to Concept Analysis. Discuss with Dr. Lindell.
• Draft paper–Submit sections 1-4 (minimally) to Dr. Lindell per date in schedule.
Assignment Component
Possible Points
1. Purpose of the concept analysis
2. Uses of the concept (integrated literature review)
a. Historical perspective of the concept including etymology
b. Current uses- Consider popular and scientific (theoretical and empirical) literature as well as other sources such as art, music and the students’ own experience
3. Related Terms – identify and discuss related terms
4. Defining or Critical Attributes – support with rationale
5. Cases – provide rationale for each case.
a. Model Case – has all defining attributes
b. Borderline case – almost there
c. Related case- a related concept from #3
d. Contrary case
6. Antecedents –with rationale
7. Consequences – with rationale
8. Theoretical Definition (succinct definition of your concept as it relates to nursing/health care and (if appropriate) a particular population and/or setting.
9. Operational Definition –how the concept would or could be measured. Include units of measurement (empirical referent). Some authors use empirical referent and operational definition as synonyms.
10. Concept map- may be created electronically or neatly by hand
a. The concept analyzed
b. Clustering – of attributes,
c. Chaining – antecedents/consequences,
d. A hierarchical structure –abstract to operational.
e. Identify antecedents and consequences with headings above or below,
f. Show relationships with linking words.
11. APA 6th format, scholarly writing style, free of typos and misspelling; all sources cited and referenced per APA format
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