History: 1. Summarize the concerns of the Anti-federalists (100-150 words). 2. Summarize the reasons that the Federalists believed there were advantages to a stronger, central government (100-150 words). 3. Very briefly, take a side and explain why you favor one position over the other (100-150 words).

This week, you have examined the debates over the new the nation. After reading the historical documents for this week, compose a short essay in which you:

1. Summarize the concerns of the Anti-federalists (100-150 words).

2. Summarize the reasons that the Federalists believed there were advantages to a stronger, central government (100-150 words).

3. Very briefly, take a side and explain why you favor one position over the other (100-150 words).

You are expected to pull evidence from the documents. NO OUTSIDE SOURCES ARE ALLOWED. You may draw from the lectures and the textbook reading to help provide context BUT your post should draw evidence primarily from the historical readings for evidence.

Your initial post is due Thursday night by 11:59 p.m. You are required to respond in 100 words or less to a minimum of two students by Sunday 11:59 p.m. The response posts should focus on Question 3 (which position do you favor?) Do you agree with your classmate—why or why not? Are they missing a key piece of evidence in your opinion? Be sure to base your arguments on or related to evidence in the documents.

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