1.Discuss the lack of criminal evidence and the intangibility that law enforcement personnel traditionally have problems with in computer crime cases. 2. List and describe the primary motivations for computer intrusion or theft of information in contemporary society.

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1.Discuss the lack of criminal evidence and the intangibility that law enforcement personnel traditionally have problems with in computer crime cases. 2. List and describe the primary motivations for computer intrusion or theft of information in contemporary society.
dentify traditional problems associated with the recognition and prosecution of computer crime.

Explore a history of computer crimes.

Explore traditional rationales for phreakers and hackers.
Explore the evolution of hacking.

Learn the value of computers as marketable commodities.

Explore the current state of computer crimes in the United States and abroad. 
Computer criminals will possess varying degrees of technical sophistication.
Hence, the metaphor of a continuum of offenses in terms of seriousness.

However, degrees of computer crimes may also be reflected by the degrees of technical expertise of agencies investigating such crimes.

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