5 Inspiring Facts about Philanthropist George Peabody

There are many popular philanthropists but those who are millionaire as well can be counted on fingers. In the top list of the richest philanthropists comes the name of George Peabody whose name is still alive because of his hard work, dedication and passion for the benefit of humanity. When a little baby was born in Danvers in 1795, nobody knew one day he would be called “Father of Modern-World Philanthropy”. Mr. George Peabody became a businessman when he was just 19 years old. He was a banker and sponsor of educational and housing schemes. You might have already known a lot about Mr. Peabody but there are still few very inspiring facts which you might like to know more about.
Fact # 1: He Was Born with an Invisible Silver Spoon in His Mouth
Though, Mr. Peabody was born into a very poor family struggling to meet both hands, he had an invisible silver spoon in his mouth which was not seen yet. However, in very young age, he proved himself to be one of the smartest businessmen who can turn any business into an excellent opportunity. In the year 1837, he decided to move to the topmost city of United Kingdom “London” where he setup his new business known as “Peabody and Company”. In fact, that was the era of extreme fortune for Londoners as an agricultural region was turning into an industrial zone. While on one hand there were opportunities, on the other hand, there were increasing problems such as housing problems, water issues etc.
Fact # 2: He Was Obliged to the City Where He Became One of the Richest
After years of hard work, when you reach near retirement age, what would you want? Would you like to take rest in your most favorite destination of the world or take additional responsibilities on your shoulders? Most probably you would prefer to choose first option but that was not the case with Mr. Peabody who actually decided to do something for the city where he spent years of his life in doing business. He thought to help out those living under tough circumstances in London. He was advised by Lord Shaftesbury to do something in the field of housing for the poor. The idea was approved and in the first phase, it was decided to sponsor those housing projects which could not complete because of shortage of money.
Fact # 3: He Contributed Generously for Promotion of Education in USA
When you have something in your possession, you might not know how valuable it is but when you don’t have it, you truly understand how important it is and the same case was with Philanthropist George Peabody who could not get more education because of poverty. It is not easy to live with your miseries but the best way to deal with it is to accept it as your reality. Mr. Peabody could not get more education but he decided to provide opportunities to thousands of others like him. He created endowment fund for dozens of academic institutions in United States to allow everyone become educated. Student from those institutions always remember Philanthropist George Peabody in their prayers and write articles and essays about him and even many of them get essay help from their seniors to create something extraordinary inspiring. It is believed that Mr. Peabody contributed around 8 million dollars to support various causes.
Fact # 4: He Sacrificed His Personal Life over Professional Life
You might be surprised to learn that Mr. Peabody did not get married and spent his entire life all alone. It is believed that in his early age, he got engaged to a girl for a short period of time but the engagement could not continue and then he did not think about getting married. Life is too difficult when you spend it alone but when you are too busy in your work, you don’t realize it. In fact, Mr. Peabody was too busy in his business and in his philanthropic work that he did not realize how time passed so fast.
Fact # 5: His Last Wish to Be Buried in the Place Where He Was Born
Mr. George Peabody lived in London for years and travelled in different parts of the world as part of his business, however, his last wish was to be buried in the place where he was born. This one of the greatest philanthropists of his time lived 74 years, died on 4th of Nov 1869 and his first grave was made in Westminster Abbey where he was buried before opening of his “Will”. However, on opening of “Will”, it was revealed that he wanted to be buried in Danvers, his hometown. Danvers which was later renamed as Peabody became his final resting place. If you ever visit the city, you can still see a Bronze Status of him right behind Royal Exchange.

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