Suppose, you have several opportunities to choose or move from your current job position to one of a number of many positions in other companies, and now you have to come to a decision which job opportunity will best suit to you. So, how do you decide on the perfect one for you?Some standard career management tips have been found and this article will present them as answer to the above mentioned question. I recommend these standard tips to all professional employees despite of their job position, business industry and organization, levels of knowledge and work experience, or future ambitions. These all things are very simple and easy to do and they assist in making sure you are taking at least a minimally active role in your overall professional development. Despite your busiest schedule, you can’t excuse to disregardthe following best tips. Follow them and shine.1. Keep Your Professional Resume Up-To-DateIn fact, you never know when any best job opportunity will knock your door. Even if you are currently not engaging in hunting job, you need to keep your professional resume ready and up-to-date because this approach will prevent you from getting stuck in the eleventh hour.Your professional resume is one of the most crucial documents that play a central role in searching job for you. So, you need to pay due attention to your resume and don’t ignore it. If you havenot updated your resume since the beginning of your present job, look at it and integrate the relevant and most up-to-date information. If you don’t have enough things to show in your resume, keep working. Now, while you are not worriedhunting for a new job, is the best time to focus on it.You never know how and when an ideal job opportunity will open up and you’ll want to take advantage of such an opportunity right away. If you’ve been keen and proactive about updating your resume, you’ll be ready to swoop.2. Join Professional AssociationsAssociations have been found as one of the very powerful and influential career tools, but unfortunately there is a majority of people who do not pay attention to them. Explore what is available for professional people who share your job role in the same industry where you work. Joining the group and attending the meetings on regular basis is imperative. Most of the associations offer precious continuing education opportunities, along with the opportunity to interact with some of the elite professionals in the field or industry where you currently work.I also suggest you that if you have enough time and schedule lets you to voluntarily serve on the leadership board. By actively participating you’ll become familiar with your fellow members by meeting and interacting with them. Keep in your mind that you can collaborate with each other, share your knowledge and experiences, establish best professional practices and even discover more new and smart opportunities. Associations pay due attention to your resume and are supportive networks to tap when job hunting, but don’t wait until you need the guidance and assistance for career management. So, it is the time to get involved and start forming you relationships with professionals.3. Get Help from a MentorAn expert mentor has the ability to assist and guide you through your career by sharing his/her extensive knowledge and practical experiences and by offering you realistic career advice. So, you just need to find a professional mentor in your own field or industry whose overall professional career you’d like to follow. Remember, avoid finding someone who has the job you would like to do in the future. Your focus should be on finding a mentor who has the ability to demonstrate the character traits you would like to develop and improve in yourself.Try to develop a professional mentorship relationship with your mentor. Defining precisely what the means to you and how you want the relationship to work is essential. As an instance, you and your mentor can arrange a teatime meeting on monthly basis with the core aim of discussing specific issues you are currently experiencing or career goals you are making efforts to achieve them. Make sure your mentor is very eager to listen and learn.If your mentor is incapable or reluctant to commit to assisting you, go ahead because a mentorship relationship is based on mutually shared approach and is a two-way street. You need somebody who sees and understands your needs, wants and value to assist you in climbing the ladder of successful career.4. Maintain a List of Achievements and AccomplishmentsWith the passage of time of your career progression, you need to maintain an up-to-date list of your achievements. Whether your achievements are small or bog, all should be recorded in your resume. If you maintain a file of back-up evidence, it should be great. In fact, your list of victories and achievements is one of the best tools to pull out during interviews for jobs or performance reviews. In your list, you can and should mention your specific hard work, endeavors and projects you have successfully finished. You can also mention in-depth details about how your professional knowledge and work experience impacted the business. Moreover, while refreshing and updating your resume, it is imperative to open up and look at the list to get inspiration for the achievements you would like to highlight. This approach will assist in making your resume very influential, compelling and engaging and demonstrative of your core skills and capabilities.5. Become a MentorIrrespective of where you are currently positioned in your career, there is somebody who can take advantage of your extensive knowledge and experience. Find such an individual who needs career management help and take him/her under your wing. In fact, being a career advisor as mentor is a superb opportunity to get and improve knowledge while you teach. As a mentor, you can share your expertknowledge, give your professional advice and provide assistance to someone else to grow while, simultaneously, improving your own knowledge, skills and experience of leadership.Develop the mentorship relationship with the person who is taught by you in the similar fashion mentioned above. Being a mentor, you need to make your proposal precise and clear and be honest about what is involved. Keep the person informed what you observe in him/her and now what you will offer. One of the crucial tasks is finding the right person who really comprehends the mentorship merits and wishes to gain expert knowledge from you. However, if you start looking, you will see how quickly several potential candidates are coming.Bottom LineDo you want to progresson your job or are your looking for a new and smart-paid job? Follow the above mentioned guidelines and tips carefully and shine. The current workplace and employment environment is very competitive and you can’t afford to get lazy in this environment.

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