4th period mystery summary writing

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4th period mystery summary writing Still probe student responses

Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes

Unit: Unit 2 – Three Worlds Collide, Lesson Sequence 4, Session 6-What caused the Depriving Time? (

During this lesson, students will investigate &#8220Starving Time&#8221 in Jamestown (1609) by analyzing various primary sources. They’ll formulate an item of take on which in turn causes the &#8220Starving Time&#8221 and make use of evidence however sources to be able to persuade others from the perception.

Lesson Objective

(Lesson 1)With effective effort, students can evaluate primary source documents to be able to evaluate which causes the “Starving Time” in Jamestown.

(Lesson 2) Students uses evidence from primary source documents to formulate an item of view across the primary reasons for the “Starving Time” and email convince a crowd in the opinions.



  1. Review “what everybody is aware of Jamestown,” specifically the makeup of jobs within the colony because it began.
  2. Introduce the depriving time, telling students that although the colony began provided by high hopes, using the winter of 1609 settlers “had to consume dogs, cats, rats, toadstools, horse hides, combined with the corpses of dead men” (inside the MCPS Social Studies guide).
  3. Present the mission: Uncover what really caused the depriving over time Jamestown.
  4. While using the whole group, evaluate excerpt from “Travels and Works of John Cruz.” Record information within the capture worksheet. Model the operation of marking/highlighting information by contacting them for example: -What must be marked? (an example response may be “440 from 500 died”) -Why 500 not 105? -Still probe student responses for “why?” -What’s the date? -What’s significant regarding the date? -Who authored it? (this can lead to an excellent sourcing discussion about nobody authored it)
  5. In pairs, students will evaluate excerpt from “George Percy’s Account within the Voyage to Virginia …”, using the same techniques modeled while using the first account.
  6. Gather as whole group to speak about findings/ideas/conclusions. Have students demonstrated in the board to mark the main source.
  7. Read aloud ushistory.com article. Have students share new/information they learned inside the studying.
  8. Writing prompt
4th period mystery summary writing com article
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Writing Prompt: Write a quarrel which will persuade your teacher your feelings happened through the cold several days of 1609 to make depriving time. Use no under 3 information however documents you investigated.


&#8220Jamestown Settlement along with the ‘Starving Time.’&#8221 U.S. History: Pre-Columbian for that New Yrs. internet.ushistory.org (utilized August 27, 2011).

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