By UK Essay Assignment
on Thursday, October 4th, 2018

In your academic career, it is highly probable that your creative writing teacher will assign you with the task of writing a news article. The foremost thing that you are required to know when allotted with the project is the key difference between the writing news articles and feature articles. While feature articles consist of elements with more creativity, they are also longer and provide depth of the issue. Whereas, a news article is simple, concise and to the point. Furthermore, news articles cover the fundamentals of the present events and provide an insight into what event is taking place, where and when it’s taking place, how it’s happening and who is involved.
For that reason, news articles should be written with extensive research and exceptional skills of summarising the conducted research. The following tips should be taken into consideration when performing the project of writing a news article:
- Find an interesting topic: In most academic news articles, the teachers encourage the students to think of a topic. This is done to test out the creative skills of their class. As a consequence, it is crucial for you to select a topic that is unique, fresh and trending. When the selected topic is appealing, the reader instantly becomes interested in the writer’s content. On the contrary, if the teacher specifies the topic, the writer must make it interesting. Hence, it is vital for you to concoct strategies and use an angle of writing that makes your work stand out through its content.
- Follow the standardised outline: In academic writing, following the specified structure contributes greatly to your grade. Therefore, it is critical to accommodate your news article in accordance with the pattern specified by the teacher. However, if the teachers have not provided a certain outline the ensuing pattern should be followed:
- Story title: The title of your story should be captivating. Most viewers make their decisions about the article based on the title of the story. In regards to this, allocate a certain amount of time to generate an appealing title that instantly captures the audience. This can be done by highlighting an aspect of the story that touches the reader’s sense of curiosity.
- Hook: The hook can be written as the subtitle of the news article heading. This should be done with meticulous consideration.
- Introduction: This should comprise of the prior facts that your article is based on.
- Body: this should dictate the event and answer the above-mentioned questions.
- Conclusion: The conclusive paragraph should offer a short summary of the event in a way to provide a closure to the article.
- Use formal language: In academic news articles, the tone of writing plays a vital role. Hence, ensure that your article is short with proper sentence construction. In addition to this, your article should include formal and advanced terminologies. However, it is important to certify that the vocabulary is easy for the audience to understand.
With these steps in mind, you can construct a news article that is proper and meets the requirements of your teacher. Although if you require an example of academic news articles, you can consult the best assignment writing service to get your first article to be written by professionals writers. As a consequence of this, you will have a sample that you can refer to in future article writing.
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