150 Good Persuasive Essay Topics for College Students

Without having some good persuasive essay topics in the pocket, a student would not write a paper of this type. The goal is to take a position and defend it. It means the topic must be debatable. A student must check whether enough credible, up-to-date, and relevant information is available on the web. It is not easy to do alone. Find top-quality help with the college assignments of any type on the leading online paper writing service!


Table Of Contents

What is a Persuasive Essay?


By definition, a persuasive essay is a form of writing to convince the reader that your point of view or argument is the best. It is a common college or high school assignment to teach students the art of persuasive writing. It is important to check whether your claim has strong evidence to be believable. A persuasive paper can be an argumentative essay depending on the use: whether the prompt tells to pick a position or defend it.
Before we get to the persuasive speech topics, let’s see how to outline your work!

How to Write a Persuasive Essay Outline?

There are some key features to bear in mind when planning out a persuasive essay, and the structure is important.


It is the best place to start when drafting your persuasive paper, try to open with a “hook” and make the audience want to continue reading the work. Include a “thesis statement” at the end of the introduction. Think carefully about how to put the thesis into words as this is the whole point of the paper and what is to be found
out or demonstrated.

Body Paragraphs
The main content of the arguments go here, and it’s important to backup every point with evidence and start a new paragraph with a new argument. Try to end with the most important or significant fact or evidence. Include transition words and phrases like “comparatively” and “likewise” to make the writing flow logical and not boring to read.

Opposing View
State the strongest points for the opposition; clearly and logically disprove them one by one. This reinforces the argument and persuades the reader to your point of view.

Restate the thesis statement and provide a summary of the most important or influential points from the body paragraphs. Try to end with something memorable. Example: an interesting quote or even question the reader to do the extra research but check if it leaves a sense of completion with the audience. If in doubt check this blog for more info.

How to Write a Persuasive Essay?

Pick a side. Be confident with the angle chosen and demonstrate it well through the persuasive essay.

  • Understand the audience. It is important to adjust the language used and to see if there is any biased that needs to be addressed.
  • Do the research needed. The best results will depend on the substantial well-researched material from multiple sources including other professionals in the field.
  • Offer the evidence based on importance. While compiling the research and your notes try to keep it in order of significance as this will help with writing later.
  • Is the thesis well proved? Look at the thesis statement and compare it to your conclusion and see if there any gaps in the persuasive paper.
  • Check over the work. It is imperative to double check the paper for errors, wait a couple of days after you finished writing and look through the essay with a fresh mind. Even a good idea to get a friend or colleague to look through.
  • Personal touch. Although strong evidence is vital, do not be afraid to include examples and explanations of points along with references to things that have been experienced 1st hand.

If you need to brush up on any other writing skills check out our free online blog covering all the skills you need to become a credible writer.

Persuasive Essay Topic List for Everybody

Here we have compelled an extensive list of good persuasive essay topics divided into popular categories to help you get started with your paper.

Easy argumentative essay topics


  • Should school classes be divided by gender
  • Are french fries healthy enough to be served in the canteen
  • Breastfeeding being allowed in public spaces
  • The legal age for drinking is 21
  • Are exams a fair measure for a students ability
  • Are genetically modified foods acceptable
  • Should nuclear weapons be abolished
  • Is the voting system reliable

Persuasive speech and essay topics for kids


  • Should animals be kept as pets
  • Is it good to eat animals
  • It’s possible to have many friends
  • Why should you never lie
  • Should you learn another language
  • Having a single child vs having siblings
  • What are the best things a parent can do for their child
  • What is the best superpower to have
  • What makes a teacher great
  • Why should you respect your elders

Sports persuasive speech and essay topics


  • The importance of Physical education in schools is overrated
  • Girls and boys can play on the same team
  • Are rockstars better role models than athletes
  • Swimming is the healthiest and best sport
  • Children should not take part in extreme sports
  • Should children take responsibility for themselves in sport
  • What is the best sport for students to take part in
  • Does participating in sport make you a competitive person

Argumentative essay topics for middle school


  • Should there be harsher punishment for bullying
  • Is less homework a good idea
  • Do kids watch much Television
  • Should kids have chores
  • Do violent computer games have a negative impact on kids
  • Should kids have more choice over their education in middle school
  • Can students be held in detention
  • Who should be responsible for students bad grades

Argumentative essay topics for high school

  • A book that has changed your life
  • Should schools offer a cash incentive for good grades
  • Should the voting age be lowered
  • Free condoms being available for students
  • Should students textbooks be replaced with laptops
  • Should sex education be made more available
  • Should there be more focus on individuality than core subjects

Persuasive speech and essay topics about music


  • Can percussionists be called professional musicians
  • Is it time to make music literacy a compulsive core element of the curriculum
  • Music is an underrated treatment for mental illness
  • Can some genres of music push children to suicide
  • Playing bass guitar is easier than standard electric 6 string
  • Can music be seen as a language
  • What is the hardest instrument to learn
  • Can music be seen as colour

Persuasive speech and essay topics about animals


  • Hunting animals is an acceptable past time
  • Foxes should be bred as home pets
  • People should stop wearing leather and fur
  • Why should we protect endangered animals
  • Zoos are worse than prisons for humans
  • Do animals deserve the same rights as humans
  • Can a human be allowed to marry their pet animal
  • What is the cleverest animal and by what means

Persuasive speech and essay topics for elementary students


  • A school dress code is needed
  • The average school day should be shortened
  • Children should not use mobile phones in school
  • There shouldn’t be any homework
  • School break times should be longer
  • Classrooms should be outside
  • What are the best form of incentives for students
  • Kids should not be hit by parents for misbehaviour

Persuasive essay topics on education


  • How soon should children learn to read
  • What should be the penalty for academic cheating
  • Should school guards be armed to cut down on shootings
  • Are the Arts needed in school or can they be replaced
  • Why everybody does not need to attend public education and society accept it
  • Should students have more say what is in the curriculum
  • Is the education system failing due to graduates not finding a job
  • Should teachers be paid more to compensate with stress

Science persuasive essay topics


  • Are mobile phones safe
  • Conducting medical research on animals is unethical
  • Humans are the biggest cause of pollution
  • Marijuana should be used for medical treatment
  • Genetically modified food is safe for people to consume
  • Are wifi routers safe
  • Should we spend so much money on space exploration
  • Will renewable energy be a reliable fuel in the future
  • Nuclear energy is safe to use and can used in more

Funny persuasive essay topics


  • Are Blondes less intelligent
  • Should students be allowed to drink beer at college
  • Is becoming friends with your parents on facebook a good idea
  • Can men wear pink items of clothing
  • Do men gossip more than women
  • Little people is less offensive than midget or dwarf
  • Pick up lines do work
  • Larger airline passengers should have to pay for 2 tickets
  • Is there such thing as love at first sight

Argumentative persuasive essay topics


  • Abortion should be legal
  • Computer games have a negative impact on people
  • Cloning should be outlawed
  • Has the internet been commercialized
  • Should smoking in public places be illegal
  • Should we do away with money all together
  • Is marketing unethical
  • Can a personal tutor improve grades better than a teacher

College persuasive essay topics


  • When is military force justified
  • Academic achievement is the best quality for college admission to look for
  • Parents being held responsible for the crimes of their children is a good idea
  • Euthanasia is morally acceptable
  • Torture is not justified
  • Are college fees acceptable as in some countries education is free
  • What is the easiest college course you can take
  • Should spirituality be made compulsory as college education

Persuasive essay topics 5th grade


  • Computer games can be used to teach students
  • Bullies should be expelled from the education system
  • Can cheerleading be a sport
  • Is snacking in class acceptable
  • Teachers should have some kind of uniform if students do
  • Can computer games be seen as a sport
  • Being skillful is better than being a hard worker
  • Should morning classes start later than they currently do

Controversial persuasive essay topics


  • Bailing out financial institutions with taxpayers money shouldn’t be allowed
  • To have children both parents should be certified
  • Constant surveillance is acceptable
  • Biological weapons should be illegal
  • The Jury system should be abolished and give full power to the judge
  • Should the use of stem cells be allowed from aborted babies
  • Climate change is more political than scientific
  • Single parents should not be allowed to adopt

5 paragraph persuasive essay topics


  • Recycling needs to be made a legal requirement
  • Breastfeeding in public has to be made illegal
  • Smartphones are ruining the way we communicate
  • Is college success the key to a good life
  • The war on drugs has become a failure
  • Gun control laws are outdated
  • The governments need to invest in more energy resources
  • Is technology having a negative impact on the human race

Environmental persuasive essay topics


  • Plastic bags should be made illegal
  • Transport that emits pollution should be abolished
  • When building houses, they should plant new trees
  • Fishing needs to regulated
  • Dumping waste in a landfill made illegal
  • Are so-called ‘weather machines’ needed to be abolished
  • Chemtrails need to identified and stopped
  • Causes of coral bleeding
  • Are humans the cause of climate change
  • Should public transport be free to reduce pollution
  • Should car owners pay more tax according the CO2 emissions

Immigration persuasive essay topics


  • The increase in immigration is the result of poverty
  • Prostitution is associated with illegal immigration
  • Refugees should be given legal instead of illegal immigration status
  • Illegal immigration can promote terrorism
  • Illegal immigration is higher in wealthier countries
  • Immigrationimproves attitude towards foreign cultures
  • When should an immigrant become a citizen
  • Immigration is a help to not a hindrance to the economy

Need some more help?

If our comprehensive list of interesting persuasive essay topics does not help to kick-start your paper, get some professional help. At our college essay writing service, we have proofreading, personal tutoring, and custom essay writing services available for you. We have dedicated writers from various academic backgrounds to take the stress out of your life and finish that essay for you!

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