10 Things you Need to do to Prepare for College This Summer

Summers are already here for all the students across USA, UK, UAE, Canada and more. This is the most appropriate time for the students to start preparing for college. As we all know, it is never too early to start preparing for college. You can use this summer to your full advantage. Everybody loves to prepare beforehand, and most importantly, who wouldn’t want to prepare for something like college, right? But many a times, we do not really know how to prepare for a certain thing and we end up not preparing at all. But college is something that we just cannot take chances with. Therefore, here are ten things that you need to do to prepare for college this summer:
Prepare for the orientation
You should definitely prepare yourself to rock the orientation. Orientation is basically a fun way to get to know your college and get pumped for the experience that you are about to have in your college years. This is the appropriate time for you to shake your nerves and reach out to as many people and talk to them. Play the ice breaker games and more importantly, enjoy them because you will be playing a lot of them in the first week. Remember that nobody knows you in your college. You are a new bird here. Therefore, talk to a lot of people and build a name for you.
Build a connection with your roommate
There is a very huge chance that your college will send the information about who your roommate is going to be before you actually go to college. Use this information to your advantage. Try to bond with your roommate and build a relationship with him. If you build a relationship with your roommate before you go to college, it will act as a huge key for you. You can use different ways to build this relationship. You can talk or text with each other on the phone. You can pick a similar orientation date and spend time with each other.
Gather things that you need
There are a lot of things that you are going to need in college. For instance, there is a very good chance that you will need a laptop in your college years. There is a very good chance that your college library will have huge resources but if you are more of a lone ranger, if you like to study alone and work alone, you are going to need a laptop. There are other things that you are going to need. You need to use the summer to figure out what all you are going to need.
Spend time with your friends from home
Since you are going to college, you will not see your friends a lot. Since you will be new to college, you will be trying to set your foot in the first semester, and therefore, you will not have as much time with your friends. You are not going to see them for a long time after you go to college. So, make time for them this summer. This might be the last few days when you can actually spend a lot of time with these friends, so make this summer count.
Talk to your family
Just like these friends, you need to spend time with your family too. There are many reasons for you to do this. Your parents have spent their college lives and they have experienced everything that you are about to. So, make some time to talk to them about college. Talking to them will be a very integral part of your preparation. You might be worried about going to college. Talk to your parents and soothe your worries by spending time with them.
Read as much as you can
College is going to be very different from high school. There will be many new things that you will face. One of them is that college course consists of way more substantial reading than what is required in high school. You can use this summer to prepare for what is coming. You can start reading books during this break and get used to reading.
Pack smartly
When you leave for college, you would probably wish to take everything that you have here with you.  But you need to be very careful while deciding what to pack. You need to think of ways that you can probably decrease the size of your suitcase and still not compromise with your needs. You need to narrow down the necessities. You need to act smartly. If you love shoes, it doesn’t mean that you take all your shoes with you to college. If you like to read, it doesn’t mean that you take your entire bookshelf with you.
Prepare yourself mentally
College is not always going to be synonymous with ‘comfort zone’. So, you need to prepare yourself mentally this summer. There are going to be times which will require you to step out of your comfort zone and be there for quite a time. However, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you will never feel comfortable. But you need to tell yourself that college is not home and you are not going to have the same life there. You will have great four years but it is highly likely that a major portion of these years will be spent out of your comfort zone.
Use your time wisely
When you are attending college, it feels absolutely amazing. But it is also a hustle and you do require a break in every short while. College life is great but it is also quick. The four years of the college pass very quickly. In no time, your college life will be over and then you will be left looking back at your college memories and wondering where it all went. In all the hustle in your college life, you will not be able to get a good amount of sleep for most part of it. Therefore, use this summer to develop a schedule suited for your college and also take loads of rest and sleep.
Make a plan
Making a plan doesn’t just mean preparing for the first week in college. As mentioned above, the college years will be gone in no time. Therefore, going to college without a game plan cannot be described as anything but a mistake. Plan everything beforehand. From your first week to where you see yourself in the next two years. Obviously, it is not possible to plan everything. But you should at least have an idea of what you are going to do in college years. After all, these years will shape your life to a very great extent.

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